Trades for Tuesday, Mar. 14, 2017: + $297 Profits

14 Mar Trades for Tuesday, Mar. 14, 2017: + $297 Profits

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9:34 – BUY 1000 AMD 13.91, STOPPED 500 at 13.87, out - .04, STOPPED 500 at 13.82, out - .09   =          - $65

9:58 – SHORT 1500 TGTX 11.97avg, COVERED 1200 at 11.75, out + .22, COVERED 300 at 11.60, out + .37            =          + $336

10:00 – SHORT 500 VRCX 10.89, STOPPED 200 at 11, out - .11, COVERED 300 at 10.73, out + .16 =          + $26

Total Daily P/L:          + $297 Profits



SPY formed a perfect storm breakdown to the 236.25 fib this morning on the daily and 60-minute mini inverse pups. We got chopped on AMD LONG. We scaled into TGTX SHORT for a beautiful breakdown to the 11.55 fib as we scaled out into liquidity.  Closed out the morning with + $297Profits