13 Jan Trades for Tues, Jan 12th, 2016: + $554 Profits
Swingtrade: 12/16/2015 – LONG 5000 CERS 6.17avg, 12/28/2015- SOLD 2500 at 6.46, out + .29, + $725, 1/5/2015- SOLD 1000 at 6.36, out + .19, out + $190
9:35 – SHORT 600 AAPL 100.29avg, COVERED 100.02, out + .27     =         + $162
10:00 – SHORT 1700 AAPL 100.40avg, COVERED 1400 at 100.22, out + .18, COVERED 300 at 100.12, out + .28      =         + $336
10:32 – SHORT 1400 AAPL 99.96avg, 99.92, out + .04          =         + $56
 Total Daily P/L:         + $554
Total Weekly P/L: Â Â Â Â Â Â + $888
Total Monthly P/L:Â Â Â Â Â + $3,366
Total Yearly Profit:Â Â Â Â + $3,366
SPY was choppy again as it sold off the gap hard this morning and then managed to grind back in the afternoon before selling off into the close. The 60-minute stochastic finally crossed up setting up a mini pup going into tomorrow morning. We scalped mainly AAPL SHORTS while scaling into the pops during the SPY sell-off. Closed out the morning with + $554 profits.