Trades for Thurs, Nov 10, 2016: + $2,360 Profits

10 Nov Trades for Thurs, Nov 10, 2016: + $2,360 Profits

10:48 – SHORT 5400 CAT 93.20avg, COVERED 3000 at 93.05, out + .15, STOPPED 1200 at 93.46, out – .26, STOPPED 600 at 93.44, out - .24, STOPPED 600 at 93.60, out - .39   =          -$24



9/30: LONG 6500 ASNA 5.59avg, added 500 at 4.81, avg is 7000 LONG at 5.48, 11/10/2016 – SOLD 5000 ASNA  at 6, out + .52, still long 2000 from 5.48           =              + $2,600


Total Daily P/L:          + $2,360 Profits



SPY was a live wire this morning as it slipped on the 60-minute mini inverse pup down to the 115.20 fib supports before coiling back to the 5-period ma in deadzone. We trimmed 5k shares of ASNA swing trade for nice gains. We scaled into CAT SHORT at 93.20avg as it peaked off the 93.80 fib and used the reversions back to the 93.86 range fib to trim down. The machinery sector was extraordinarily strong this morning, stopped out the rest to minimize losses. Closed out the day with + $2,360 Profits.