Trades for Wednesday, May 24, 2017: + $716

24 May Trades for Wednesday, May 24, 2017: + $716

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9:33 – SHORT 1100 NVDA 140.16avg, COVERED 600 at 139.52, out + .64, COVERED 400 at 139.56, out + .60, COVERED 100 at 139.24, out + .92     =          + $716

Total Intra-day P/L:   + $716 Profits

NVDA05242017finafinalled-labelled nvda05242017


SPY was flat on dinky volume this morning. We hit NVDA SHORT at 140.16avg as we scaled in from 140 to 140.50s range. The transparency on this one is now FULL BLOWN as SoftBank revealed their $4 billion stake is completed which explains what was driving up the stock price. We scaled out into the stinky 5’s and lower fib area 139.50s-139.20s. Closed out the morning with + $716 Total Profits.