Trades for Wednesday, June 28, 2017: + $117 Profits

28 Jun Trades for Wednesday, June 28, 2017: + $117 Profits

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9:54 – BUY 800 KR 23.24, STOPPED 400 at 23.18, out - .05, STOPPED 400 at 23.16, out - .08         =          - $52

10:12 – BUY 300 JUNO 30.34, SOLD 30.45, out + .11 =          + $33

10:13 – BUY 800 NTNX 20.28avg, SOLD 20.45, out + .17       =          + $136

Total Intra-day P/L:   + $117 Profits



SPY grinded off the open on a perfect storm. Liquidty and volume was very light this morning and it was literally like pulling teeth to get movement. We scalped JUNO and NTNX on perfect stom breakouts on light shares as followthrough was short lived. Closed out the morning with + $117 Profits