Trades for Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2017: + $190 Profits

17 Jan Trades for Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2017: + $190 Profits

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9:42 – BUY 1000 MS 43.17avg, STOPPED 500 at 43.07, out - .10, STOPPED 300 at 42.98, out - .19, STOPPED 200 at 43.07, out - .10 =          - $127

9:48 – BUY 1500 JPM 84.49, SOLD 1300 at 84.60, out + .11, SOLD 200 at 84.71, out + .22 =          + $177

10:06 – BUY 1000 MS 42.90, SOLD 1000 at 43.04, out + .15 =          + $140

Total Daily P/L:          + $190 Profits



SPY sold off hard towards the daily 15-pd ma 226 area before coiling back to the daily 5period ma 226.77 range. We played reversions bounces on the SPY for scalps on MS and JPM off the fibs. Closed out the morning with + $190 Profits.