Trades for Thursday, Feb. 2, 2017: + $637 Profits

02 Feb Trades for Thursday, Feb. 2, 2017: + $637 Profits

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9:36 – BUY 300 CRUS 55.80, SOLD 56.10, out + .30   =          + $90

9:41 – BUY 3000 MS 41.91avg, SOLD 2500 at 42, out + .09, SOLD 300 at 42.05, out + .14, SOLD 500 at 42.10, out + .19          =          + $362

10:00 – BUY 200 CRUS 55.50, STOPPED 55.30, out - .20       =          - $40

10:15 – SHORT 500 QRVO 63.64avg, STOPPED 300 at 63.78, out - .14, COVERED 200 at 63.51, out + .13 =            - $16

10:14 – BUY 200 CRUS 55.45, STOPPED 55.20, out - .25       =          - $50

10:25 – SHORT 1000 AMD 12.24, STOPPED 12.28, out - .04 =          - $40

10:27 – SHORT 200 RL 77.10, STOPPED 77.32, out - .22       =          - $44

10:34 – SHORT 2000 AMD 12.38, COVERED 1500 at 12.33, out + .05, COVERED 500 at 12.31avg, out + .07            =          + $110

10:37 – SHORT 100 RL 77.10, COVERED 77, out + .10           =          + $10

11:45 – SHORT 2800 M 30.89avg, COVERED 2400 at 30.81, out + .08, COVERED 300 at 30.74, out + .15, COVERED 100 at 30.71, out + .18       =          + $255

Total Daily P/L:          + $637 Profits



SPY rejected off the 228.10 daily 5 period ma to sell off back down to the 227.25 lower range fib cluster. We took a lot of small stops this morning on light test shares but were able to score nicely when sizing up on MS and M reversions off key .618 area fibs. Closed out with + $637 Profits.