Trades for Thurs, Oct 13, 2016: + $220 Profits

13 Oct Trades for Thurs, Oct 13, 2016: + $220 Profits

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9:32 – BUY 500 CRM 70.65, SOLD 71, out + .35        =          + $175

9:42 – BUY 600 DECK 55.94avg, SOLD 500 at 56.13, out + .19, SOLD 100 at 56.33, out + .39         =          + $84

10:03 – BUY 300 NVDA 63.87, STOPPED 63.70, out - .17      =          - $51

10:06 – BUY 500 NVDA 63.87, SOLD 63.96, out + .09            =          + $45

10:15 – BUY 300 NVDA 64.11, SOLD 64.28, out + .17            =          + $51



9/30: LONG 6000 ASNA 5.59avg

9/28: SHORT 500 CXW 14.66avg

Total Daily P/L:          + $220 Profits



SPYbroke down this morning on the gap down to chop near the 212.05, which is the 1.618 fib. We scalped CRM LONG off the coil from the 70.57 fib support into 71s. We scalped light shares on DECK and NVDA LONGS for lunch money. Saving ammo for earnings season which kicks off heavy next week. Closed the morning with + $220 Profits.