Trades for Thurs, Nov 3, 2016: – $55 Losses

03 Nov Trades for Thurs, Nov 3, 2016: – $55 Losses

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9:34 – BUY 500 FB 122.76avg, STOPPED 122, out - .76         =          - $380

10:09 – BUY 300 FSLR 34.68, STOPPED 34.37, out - .31        =          - $93

10:14 – SHORT 1000 GPRO 12.24avg, COVERED 800 at 12.04. out + .20, COVERED 200 at 12.23, out + .01            =          + $162

10:21 – SHORT 300 TTWO 48.29, COVERED 48.10, out + .19           =          + $38

10:39 – SHORT 600 BABA 98.24avg, STOPPED 98.27, out - .03         =          - $18

12:02 – SHORT 2300 HLS 40.96avg, COVERED 2000 at 40.89, out + .07, COVERED 200 at 40.82, out + .14, 100 shares overnight         =          + $168

12:30 – SHORT 1000 FIT 8.85, COVERED 800 at 8.78, out + .07, COVERED 200 at 8.73, out + .12  =          + $68



9/30: LONG 6500 ASNA 5.59avg, added 500 at 4.81, avg is 7000 LONG at 5.48

Total Daily P/L:          - $55 Losses



SPY sold off again today to test the 209.35 lower range fib. We got smacked on FB LONGS off the open and spent the day just chopping away at the red with various scalps. Closed out the day with - $55 Losses.