Trades Monday, Oct 24, 2016: + $837 Profits

24 Oct Trades Monday, Oct 24, 2016: + $837 Profits

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9:51 – SHORT 2500 TMUS 49.78avg, COVERED 2000 at 49.53, out + .25, COVERED 300 at 49.45, out + .33, COVERED 100 at 49.32, out + .46, COVERED 100 at 49.90, out - .12            =          + $633

10:14 – SHORT 2000 TWTR 18.15avg, COVERED 1700 at 18.06, out + .09, COVERED 300 at 17.98, out + .17            =          + $204




9/30: LONG 6500 ASNA 5.59avg, added 500 at 4.81, avg is 7000 LONG at 5.48

Total Daily P/L:          + $837 Profits

TWTR10242016labelled TMUS10242016labelled


SPY gapped above that 114.67 prior lower range support/resistance fib and managed to hold it after the open. We hit similar 1-minute mini inverse pup SHORTS for reversions on TMUS and TWTR to scalp the reversions on heavier shares as algos stepped off after 10am.  Closed out the morning with + $837 Profits.