Trades for Monday, May 15, 2017: + $456 Profits

15 May Trades for Monday, May 15, 2017: + $456 Profits

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9:35 – SHORT 900 IONS 43.20avg, STOPPED 400 at 43.36, out - .16, STOPPED 300 at 45.57, out - .35, STOPPED 200 at 43.70, out - .50        =          - $269

9:46 – BUY 4000 FEYE 15.69avg, SOLD 3000 at 15.83, out + .14, SOLD 500 at 15.84, out + .15, SOLD 500 at 15.89LIMIT, out + .20  =          + $595

10:03 – SHORT 200 NVDA 133.18LIMIT, COVERED 100 at 132.77, out + .41, COVERED 100 at 132.65, out + .53       =          + $94

10:21 – SHORT 200 ALNY 67.82LIMIT, COVERED 200 at 67.64LIMIT, out + .18       =          + $36

Total Intra-day P/L:   + $456 Profits



SPY slow-grinded back up through 240 this morning. Markets continue to slow grind in a vacuum dry climate. We got chopped around on IONS SHORT and scale out with stops to minimize damage. We spotted the perfect storm breakout on FEYE and took heavy longs as it finally snapped the 15.64fib to target the 15.89fib and 1.618 PRZ off the earlier 5-min premarket seedwave. We hit ALNY and NVDA SHORTS with pre-set LIMIT orders 10-15minutes ahead of time to get fills and used the reversions to scalp out for lunch money. Left some big tips on the table.  Closed out the morning with + $456 Total Profits.