Trades for Mon, Feb 1st, 2016: + $908 Profits

01 Feb Trades for Mon, Feb 1st, 2016: + $908 Profits

Swingtrade:  12/16/2015 – LONG 5000 CERS 6.17avg, 12/28/2015- SOLD 2500 at 6.46, out + .29, + $725, 1/5/2015- SOLD 1000 at 6.36, out + .19, out + $190, 1/13/2016- LONG 500 CERS 5.58add,  (Position) LONG 2k at 6.02avg.


9:34 – SHORT 400 PYPL 35.78, STOPPED 35.95, out - .17      =          - $68

9:43 – SHORT 1400 NFLX 94.11avg, COVERED 1100 at 93.73, out + .38, COVERED 200 at 93.56, out + .55, COVERED 100 at 93.45, out + .66       =          + $594

10:01 – SHORT 600 PYPL 36.06avg, COVERED 36.02, out + .04        =          + $24

10:11 – SHORT 900 NFLX 95.84avg, COVERED 700 at 95.54, out + .30, COVERED 200 at 95.45, out + .39 =            + $358

Total Daily P/L:          + $908

Total Weekly P/L:        + $908

Total Monthly P/L:      + $908

Total Yearly Profit:      + $11,658



SPY had dueling mini pups this morning with the daily mini pup versus the 60-minute mini inverse pup and headfakes on the 15-minute mini pup/make or break.  This caused a lot of chop but also opportunity for the fleet footed.  We scaled into NFLX SHORT at 94.11 average price for the reversion back to the 93.62 fib area to scalp 93.73, 93.56 and locked out 93.45, out + .38, + .55 and + .66.   NFLX coiled hard off the reversion towards 96.  We stopped back in NFLX SHORT at 95.84avg for reversions back down thru the 95.72 fib and stinky 5s range to scale out 95.54 and 95.45 as it leaned to 95.08, out + .40 and + .39.    Closed out the morning with + $908 Profits.