Trades for Friday, Jan. 13, 2017: + $475 Profits

13 Jan Trades for Friday, Jan. 13, 2017: + $475 Profits

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9:38 – SHORT 3000 MS 44.45avg, COVERED 2,500 at 44.33, out + .12, COVERED 300 at 44.55, out - .10, COVERED 200 at 44.43, out + .02       =          + $274

9:48 – SHORT 900 JPM 87.97avg, COVERED 700 at 87.76, out + .21, COVERED 100 at 87.77, out + .20, COVERED 100 at 87.63, out + .34       =          + $201

Total Daily P/L:          + $475 Profits



SPY rallied with the banks. We hit SHORTS on MS for reversion off stinky 5s upper range and on JPM on the 1.618 PRZ on 15-min seed wave target from early December at it peaked off 88.15 on the nose. Closed out the morning with + $475 Profits.