Trades for Friday, Dec 16, 2016: + $143 Profits

16 Dec Trades for Friday, Dec 16, 2016: + $143 Profits

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9:32 – BUY 1000 SDS 14.80, SOLD 14.81, out + .01   =          + $10

9:36 – SHORT 500 ORCL 39.62, COVERED 39.42, out + .20   =          + $100

9:46 – BUY 500 M 39.27, STOPPED 39.24, out - .03  =          - $15

10:08 – SHORT 300 HON 116.71avg, COVERED 116.55, out + .16    =          + $48

Total Daily P/L:          + $143 Profits



SPY gapped down on ex-dividend. We took shorts on the daily and 60-minute mini inverse pup but didn’t realize it was ex-dividend so took small scalps, as the gap down was artificial. It depends on what the machines choose to accept, but we closed out early and not take any chances. Closed out the morning with + $143 Profits.