Trades for Fri, June 26th, 2015

25 Jun Trades for Fri, June 26th, 2015

10:51 – BUY 2400 MEI 29.64avg, SOLD 800 at 29.60, out - .04, SOLD 800 at 29.48, out - .16, SOLD 400 at 29.82, out + .18, SOLD 200 at 29.98, out + .34, SOLD 200 at 30.04, out + .40       =            - $78

11:57 – SHORT 500 IACI 80.83, STOPPED 81, out - .17            =            - $85

12:12 – SHORT 900FB 88.34avg, COVERED 700 at 88.22, out + .12, COVERED 200 at 88.16, out + .18            =            + $120

12:44 – SHORT 300 FB 88.25avg, STOPPED 88.34, out - .09       =            - $27

Total Daily P/L:     - $70

Total Weekly P/L:      + $1,086

Total Monthly P/L:      + $9,299

Total Yearly Profit:     + $39,842



SPY sold off with a mini inverse pup after the open to align with the daily mini inverse pup.   The SPY daily MSH triggered at 210.35 break. We spent all morning scaling into MEI off and near the 29.25 super fib heaviest. MEI finally got its reversion on the 5 and 15 mini pup pups to scale out up to 30.04. Closed out the morning with - $70 profits.